Welcome to the world of healthy lifestyle
A combination of yoga & physiotherapy & traditional Chinese medicine


Therapies / massages now possible also in Prague 10 – Kolovraty or AT YOUR HOME
1. August 2024

New possibilities of therapies, massages or individual exercises: For more information & appointment time, write to : 

Important info: holidays
9. November 2023

I will be abroad from the 1st of December 2023 till the 5th of January 2024. THERAPY Appointments for individual consultations, physiotherapy or massages can be booked until Tuesday, 28th November 2023. And then again …

Let´s be happy & fit together

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(so far Czech only)

    Innerlook project

    If you are primarily interested in your health and healthy movement, you are in the right place. 😊 Here you will find a number of interesting information, events, possibilities of movement therapies, including yoga, which you can take part in, but also a couple of travel tips for inspiration.

    I am a yoga teacher, physiotherapist, and also practitioner of Chinese medicine. I connect all this and try to help people feel better and give an inspiration to find balance. Because where there is balance, there is no pain and disease.

    It’s amazing to see how everything is related and connected. Now you have the opportunity to discover it with me. Follow my latest events & news on this website but also posts in Facebook or Instagram.

    You can practice yoga with me, relax at a massage, go on a yoga retreat, or try one of the therapies that I offer.

    Follow the news, contact me in case of question or interest in something, and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook or Instagram – then you won’t miss anything. 😊

    I look forward to seeing you at any event, on a massage table or on a yoga mat. Take care 🙏😊

    Tereza Katolická