
Travel to India?

A lot of people go to India with the goal to see as much of the country as they possibly can. They can experience an exotic country, with an interesting culture and beautiful nature.

But as the overall awareness of yoga is growing, many people go to India having the goal to see the place where Yoga started. Whether just to get to know more about it or to deepen their knowledge and skills in it. 

I went to India as well and for me, it was love at first sight. It is said that you either love or hate India. It’s the absolute truth. For some people, it can be very tough (too much heat, dirt, chaos, too much spicy food or some other bad experiences). I am not saying that India does not have its downsides, but it depends on the type of person and his/her current mindset. I loved the chaos there; it was kind of cute and it put always a smile on my face. I generally accepted everything as it was, and didn’t put anything a good or bad label. 

I met extraordinary people, had a lot of discussions with locals about their traditions, food, religion, daily life, yoga, Ayurveda and how we all see the world differently. 

I saw the beauties of the north part of India. But most importantly, I gained a lot of new knowledge about yoga.

For me, India was an enriching experience. Not just professionally, but mainly personally.

That is shortly my experience with India and I will go back there.

If you are thinking about going to India and you are interested in knowing more about it, contact me. I will be more than happy to answer all your questions.


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