
Do you want to try some of my classes?

I teach in various places in Prague. At this moment, at three studios in Prague 6 (Břevnov and Bubeneč) and Prague 8 (Karlín).

Check the news or the updated schedule for the yoga classes directly, and you won’t miss anything.

Most of the classes are held in the Czech language, with the option of explaining some struggling parts in English. Come and join me there.

Where and when:

Yoga & Art Studio 

in Prague 6, in the beautiful calm area of Břevnov, you can find a lovely small yoga studio, where I teach Friday and Saturday mornings, from 8:30 to 9:30, and Sundays evenings at 17:45.

When I went to this studio for the first time to speak about the options to teach my yoga class there, I completely fell in love with the place. 

Come and see, if you will feel the same and enjoy the Yoga practice with me.

P.S. don’t forget to check out the Workshops that I sometimes do there. 

And if you ever wish some topic for a future workshop, feel free to contact me, and I will happily include it in my plan for the upcoming workshops.

Pilates Praha Studio

Near Hradčanská, there is this nice, small and cozy place, where I have smaller groups. You will for sure feel the personal approach and gentle asanas with explanations and adjustments. 

I teach there on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7:30am. 

Yoga Karlín

This studio with a wonderful atmosphere and nice modern space (near Urxova tram stop in Karlín) is another place where I teach yoga.
Here you can join my class of yoga for a healthy back, every Monday at 19:00 and Wednesday at 20:10.

This class is mainly about asanas, which are focused on the prevention of back pain. Important is the correct involvement of deep muscles and the perception of your body.

To see the updated schedule of my classes, check YOGA CLASSES.


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